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How to Add Pop-Up Google adsense Ads to your Blogger

How to Add Pop-Up Google adsense Ads to your Blogger

You can Add Pop-Up Google adsense ads to your Blogger. If Google Adsense Ads Pop up on your blog page then it will be more attractive. And visitor will click on your ads easily. It will Increase your Clicking on ads and Help to Increase Earnings. But Google Adsense does not support pop-up advertisement. so that i recommend to every blogger don’t put pop-up ads to on your blog

Add Pop-Up Google adsense Ads



1. Login in to your Blogger, then go to Blogger Dashboard .
2. Click on Layout .
Add Pop-Up Google adsense Ads

3. Click on Add a Gadget .
Add Pop-Up Google adsense Ads
4.  Now Choose HTML/JavaScript and Click on it.
Add Pop-Up Google adsense Ads
5.  Now Copy the Below pop up code , then Paste in HTML/JavaScript Content 
HTML/Java Script Pop-Up Code Here
<style>#btftopbar {height:2px;width:auto;background: #005094 url(‘..’);background-repeat:repeat-x;text-align:left;padding-top:2px;}#adsground {height:600;margin:0 auto;width: 350px;background:#fff;border-bottom:2px #005094 solid;border-right:2px #005094 solid;border-left:2px #005094 solid;text-align:center;padding:2px;}
#headlineatas {opacity:1.0;height:auto;width:auto;position:fixed;top:260px;left:460px;border-bottom:1px #005094 solid;border-bottom:0px blue solid;color:#333;padding:0px;z-index:1001;font-size:13px;}</style><script type=”text/javascript”>function getValue(){document.getElementById(“headlineatas”).style.display = ‘none’;}</script><div id=”headlineatas”><div id=”btftopbar”><span style=”color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:black 0.1em 0.1em 0.1em;float:right;padding-top:3px;padding-right:10px”><a href=”” target=”_blank” onclick=”getValue()”>close ads</a></span></div><div id=”adsground”><p align=”left”><h3></h3></p><p> Your Google Adsense Code Here<br/></p></div></div>
6. Now Replace “Your Google Adsense code here” with your Adsense Code.
7. Now Click on Done.
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Mtn Introduces Weekend Bundle capped at 3Gb for N300

Mtn Introduces Weekend Bundle capped at 3Gb for N300

This info is online for some days now, but I want to do some research on it before I post it here.
Like we all know, MTN is giving out 3GB of data for just N300 recharge card to their customers on night weekends plan.
It was actually a nice plan cause you got to browse for all weekends.

The nice part of this is "if you can't use the MB finish till the end of that weekend, your account will be automatically charge the next weekend and the remaining MB from previous weekend will roll over with another 3GB of that present weekend", which makes it 3GB + previous weekend remaining MB.

How to subscribe:-

Load a N300 recharge card on your MTN Card and dial *123*3*1*5*2#.

There is actually a "Discount Coupon" people are using about this new plan.

It was said that if you don't have up to N300 on your SIM, if you try the code above, you will get a "Transaction Failed" error but you will also be credited with 3GB and N20 will be charge from your SIM.

Just Dial *123*3*4# to check Your Balance..

NOTE: it works best on MTN iPulse subscribers, so you might want to migrate to MTN iPulse if you are not there already.

Feel free to ask Question about this via comment below.

how to bypass tweakware bandwidth limit

how to bypass tweakware bandwidth limit

This article features the best tips for using Tweakware for unlimited downloads without stress. It is divided into 3 parts which include how to fix proxy socket connection failed in Tweakware, how to bypass the daily bandwidth restriction of 100mb and get free browsing and unlimited downloads especially on Etisalat. Finally, we will show you how to get a stable uninterrupted internet connection for this tweak and stop it from disconnecting at intervals. For best performance, you will need to download the latest Tweakware version 0.7 from here.

firstly you need to know how to configure tweakware to work  click here to see how

How To Fix Proxy Socket Connection Failed In Tweakware - 


1. Download, install and Run your Tweakware v0.7 app, locate the Option button at the top right corner and tap on it to take you to settings.

2. Select “Settings” and first go down and tap on “Reset Setting” then go back up and ta on “Network Settings”.


3. Check the box beside “Connect Via HTTP Proxy” to enable proxy and configure as follows:

·         Proxy Host:
·         Proxy Port: 8080
·         Enable Proxy Tweaks
·         Click on Proxy Tweaks and Enable Reverse Proxy
Then go to Custom Headers and delete the default then add:
Take Note that there is one space between the “:” and “mobile” just like it was in the default “:”.
4. Finally, go back to Server Settings and Change Port to 3128

How To Bypass And Extend Your Daily Restricted Bandwidth 

And Get Unlimited Browsing And Downloads - 


1. Confirm that your device is correctly rooted
2. Click Here to Download (86kb) and install Android ID Changer
3. Run the Android ID changer and grant root permission
4. Backup your default ID either by Clicking on the download button sign or manually copy your real Android ID into somewhere else and save (so as to restore later in order not to void warranty).
5. Tap on the back button and click on the “+” sign above to generate a random ID for you.
6. Save New ID
Finally go back to your Tweakware and use any of the free servers (preferably the German Servers), you will be granted another free bandwidth for the day

How To Get A Stable And Better Internet Network Connection On Tweakware -

1. Go to Network Settings and go down to Connection Settings and check the box beside “Enable Keepalive”.
For the “Keepalive Interval”, type in “5” and for the “Keepalive Timeout”, choose “5”.
2. Choose the country server instead of default server in the home page change it to “Netherland or Germany or Canada" and Click on CONNECT.
3. After successful handshake and authentication, press the back button and it will connect automatically.
Applying these tips successfully will guarantee you a stable and better connection via Tweakware on Etisalat. So unless Etisalat network is very poor in your area, you would not be complaining of frequent disconnection issue again.
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Free browsing tweak on MTN with music+ is here once again, get 150 MB data per subscription for free with MTN music plus data and reload it each time it finishes as many time as you want all day or get a SMS scheduler to send the sub code periodically. With this settings, you are guaranteed unlimited free downloads on mtn musicplus cheat. It is thatsimple on Psiphon and Simple Server settings.


How to Set Up Psiphon for Unlimited Browsing on MTN

1. With these settings, you can repeat the subscription as many times as you can but remember to opt out first when the mb finishes before subscribing again. Make sure you have zero naira
2. Subscribe and activate the MTN musicplus Bundle by text: MUSIC to 5900 then wait for the reply  or after some seconds Check your musicplus mb balance with the code: *559*2#
3. Click here to download and install the latest Psiphon handler 100

4. Open the installed Psiphon app and configure the handler as follows:
-          Proxy Type: Real Host
Under X-Online-Host,
-          Proxy Server:
Just leave the others


Tap on Save to close the Handler Settings. Then a pop up will appear and you have to choose “Tunnel whole device
You will be taken to the main screen where you will go to the “Options” menu and select a region.
1. Select “Best Performance” in the ‘region select’.
2. Go down and locate “More options” under the “Handler” button.
3. Under the “Proxy Settings” Check the box beside “Connect through an HTTP” then select “Use the following settings”
-          Host Address:
-          Port: 8080
4. Leave the others as default and go back to the main screen

To use Simple Android Server on Musicplus

1. Go to Local Server settings

2. Tick Use Global Proxy
3. Click General Settings
Proxy host:
Proxy port: 8080
Injection Query/Url: http:/
Injection host:
Injection line: press enter 4 times
4. Save and Start the SimpleServer

How to renew unlimitedly when the 150 mb finishes

1. Text Cancel7D to 5900 (to opt out of the plan first) then
2. Text D to 5900 and wait for the reply or after some seconds check your balance with *559*2#
 please dont leave without sharing this post................................
5 Benefits of Backlinks in
Addition to SEO

5 Benefits of Backlinks in Addition to SEO

High quality backlinks are a major piece of Google’s algorithm and they will continue to be, as they can be the deciding factor that pushes a website to the top of the search results. While link building efforts are done solely for search engine optimization purposes, they are beneficial for several other reasons.

Google is constantly rolling out new updates and data refreshes in order to penalize low quality websites that use spammy link building techniques to manipulate the search results. When building links a great rule of thumb is to ask yourself, “What would Google say if they were doing a manual review and they saw this link?”

Would they see it as non-spammy and something that actually provides value to the content?

Would they feel that it wasn’t overly optimized anchor text?

Not only does this help you stay out of potential penalty trouble, but it also helps to ensure your links will provide value to you in other ways in the event that Google wakes up one day and decides to not reward high quality links. Not many people think of the benefits of link building outside of the SEO benefits. Here are five additional benefits that high quality links can provide.

1. Build Your Brand Authority

Sure, getting links on popular websites is great for your SEO efforts, but they also help to build the authority of your brand. The same way Google looks as these links as a good indication that your website provides useful information, consumers see it as a good indication that your brand is one that they should take an interest in.

So, while high quality links on popular websites will greatly benefit your SEO, they will also help attract consumers to your brand simply by association. This also helps to present your company as an information source within your industry, and can even result in websites linking to your content, giving you natural backlinks, which Google loves.

2. Drive Steady Referral Traffic on Autopilot

Not all website traffic originates from a search on Google, Yahoo, Bing, or another search engine. Referral traffic is also a large percentage of all traffic, meaning that people are clicking on links within content and being taken to the linked content.

High quality links on sites with a lot of traffic will not only help your SEO, but they can also drive targeted traffic to your website around the clock. A single link on a popular website can continue to push traffic to your website for years. The beautiful thing about referral traffic is that it is highly targeted. Just think about how much money is spent on paid search. Some businesses have extremely high CPCs, so every referral click is driving high quality traffic without a cost per click associated with it. If you currently have a company handling your link building use these tips to evaluate your SEO company.

3. Long Term Directory & Resource Links

The internet is one big source of data that will continue to grow and always be there to access information from. If you obtain high quality links form reputable directories and other resource websites it can help to drive traffic to your website for years to come.

Imagine if your business sold “blue widgets” and you obtained a link on a directory of all blue widget manufacturers. For years, consumers searching online for blue widgets come in contact with your link and click through, landing on your website and converting into sales. Links like these can continue to attract visitors several years down the road.

4. Create New Relationships

When someone reads good content and sees a backlink pointing to the source or creator, there is a very good chance that they will click on the link to learn more about who or what is responsible for what they just enjoyed.

This can lead to that individual joining your newsletter or performing some other measurable action on your website. They might connect and follow your social media profiles or they might read your blog and then bookmark it or subscribe to your RSS feed. A simple link can bring a company and consumer together without the aid of search engine rankings.

5. Brand Name Exposure & Recognition

When someone is reading content online they can quickly identify the visible links within the content. When a consumer sees your brand name linked throughout great content they begin to associate your company with the particular topic(s) that they are seeing your brand name linked to.

The days of spammy anchor text links are long gone, and brand name anchor text is now a solid choice for safe link building. If you want to make sure that your SEO campaign is safe, make sure to check out these spammy SEO strategies to avoid.

When someone is reading content that you created and sees your brand name anchor text they will do one of two things. They will either click the link and visit your website, or they will register your brand name with the content they are reading. Even if they do not immediately visit your site they will now begin to associate your company with the content subject. This can lead to website visits and brand interaction down the road.

The main focus of a link building campaign will always be to improve the organ
Cheap Data Plans for Android, iPhone, iPad and PC in Nigeria

Cheap Data Plans for Android, iPhone, iPad and PC in Nigeria


One of the rampant issues faced by most Android phone users and iOS users is the issue of cheap data plans for their smartphone, to get an affordable data bundle that will sustain you through internet browsing, chatting, downloads and the likes is a big deal if you are using Android phone, iPhone or iPad simply because of how much they deduct MB. Gone are those days of java phone where data plan is cheap and also a little megabyte will do you, reverse is the case when it comes to Android, iPhone and iPad.
Blackberry users enjoys cheap data plan on their blackberry phones but unfortunately enough, most of these data bundles does not work for android phone and iOS phones at least without tweaking, this is really frustrating and seems unfair to Android and iOS users. Some network provider offers cheap data plan for Whatsapp, BBM, Facebook, twitter and the likes for Android and iOS, but how manage will you be restricted to just one app, i guess this is not for every people, not for dynamic users.

In case you don’t know, the first blackberry phone running on Android OS is announced, Blackberry Priv
In this article am going to share with you the cheapest, most affordable and best data bundles you can use on your computer, android phones, tablets, iPad, iPhone and other smartphone.

Cheapest Data Plan for Android, iPhone, iPad or PC in Nigeria


These data bundles am about to share, they are the best affordable data plan in Nigeria right now and I have used it and still using most of them.

Cheapest Mtn Data Plan for Android, iPhone, iPad or PC in Nigeria


Mtn Night Plan 4.5GB for #2,500

Hey, don’t panic yet, is not only for midnight browsing, when you subscribe for mtn night plan, you would be given 3GB for night browsing and extra 1.5GB for daylight browsing totaling 4.5G for just #2500. Am using this mtn data plan on my android phone and believe me I have not for once regret using it. To activate mtn night data plan, load #2,500 then send 102 to 131. Or simply dial *123# and follow the commands in this order data services > My data plans > Night plan and select 4.5GBbnight @ 2500NGN
You can use mtn night plan for Android, iPhone, iPad and your PC. To use it on your laptop, subscribe for this plan on a phone and just turn on your phone hotspot and connect your PC to it.

Mtn 1GB for #1000

This plan works on all mobile phones and modem, in short any device using sim card, to opt in for this, visit any Mtn outlets or office and request for Mtn data, you can also get 2GB for #1800.
Mtn 2GB for #2,000
2GB at NGN2,000 data bundle plan. To activate, send “SPB” to “131″.

Cheapest Airtel Data Plan for PC, Android, iPhone or iPad in Nigeria


Airtel Blackberry Plan 2GB for #1500

This Airtel plan is another cheap data plan you can use, it works for Android, iPhone, and iPad, no tweaking. To subscribe to this plan load N1,500 and dial *440*16# or simply send Bbum to 440. To use this on your computer, follows the same step I mentioned in mtn night plan.

Cheapest Glo Data Plans for Android, iPhone, iPad or PC in Nigeria


Glo 3GB Blackberry Plan for #1000

This is one of cheapest unlimited data plan you can use. Don’t be surprise this works on Android phone CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW, it involves some little tricks, to use this glo bis plan,
Get a blackberry phone and insert your Glo SIM, load #1,000 and send comonth to 777, now wait for a message from Glo to confirm your subscription to the monthly blackberry plan, after that remove the battery and insert it again. You can now remove your SIM card from the blackberry device once the plan is activated. To use it for any non-blackberry device, go to phone network settings, create new access point names and set the apn to “”. Now you can start using it.
Another way to do this is to change your phone imei no to that of blackberry, you wouldn’t need a blackberry phone again, you just have to create new apn and that’s all.
Glo 1GB for #1,000.
It works for all device. To activate the 1GB at NGN1,000 data bundle plan, send “53” as a text message to “127”

Cheapest Etialat Data Plan for Android, iPhone, iPad or PC in Nigeria


Etislat 2GB for #2,000
This Cheap Etisalat data plan works on Android, iPhone, iPad, and PC. To activate, dial; *229*2*8#. To check your data balance, dial *228#

I believe you will surely find a cheap data plan that will suit you, don’t forget to share this with your friends on facebook, twitter and google+, you don’t know who might need it.

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Specifications of InfinixBig6 Infinix Note 2 with leaked photos of Infinix X600

Specifications of InfinixBig6 Infinix Note 2 with leaked photos of Infinix X600

We all can’t wait after reading the official announcement of Infinix Mobility about their new flagship device coming to stores near you on 29th of November 2015.
We can’t wait No More, so I finally got the leaked, think it has been released in some other countries in Africa. The phone is awesome
Screen Size :
6.0 inches

Operating System :
Android 5.1 XUI [Lollipop]

Battery :
4040mah Li-On Battery

Storage and Memory :
16GB Rom + 1.5GB Ram

Camera :
13mp back camera
2mp front camera

Chipset :

And finally its going to be called Infinix X600 or the Infinix NOTE 2.



Infinix X600


What do you think about this Device? Will you get one? Let us know via the comments box.